Need help?
Disability Moving Assistance is not a provider of 24-hour, emergency relocation services. Applicants without full addresses for the current location or the destination will not be considered, if more than packing assistance is needed.
Safe Shelter: Information & referral (I&R) to their local shelters. Highest prioritized service provided, as it could involve the immediate need for safety for the mover.
Packing Supplies: Tape, boxes, markers, labels, etc.
Packing/Unpacking and Basic Setup Assistance: Staff works with the Mover with getting volunteers to locations to physically pack and/or unpack with the Mover/Contact Person. Basic setup is limited to plugging in items for access (e.g. laptop, cellphone charger, chargers for mobility and/or communication devices, voice activated home assistants, televisions, gaming systems, etc.) Volunteers are not responsible for any installation of hardware or software such as, but not limited to cable, internet, televisions, security systems. It is against the law to tamper with such devices.
Starter Rental Assistance: Direct support of first, last, and security is available while funds last. Otherwise, I&R provided.
Coordination of Vehicular or Attachment Rental and/or Third-Party Moving Services: Staff works with the mover in calling and setting up rentals that may be hitched onto a vehicle the Mover would already have access to. Some rented items include, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle, Hitch Trailer, Moving Van, or a Moving Truck.
If you or someone you know is in need of assistance for moving reasons (either physical or financial) send us an email at: for our Intake Form. If a vehicle is supplied by DMA, please be prepared to send us information about your designated drivers (including a copy of their drivers' licenses).